The Light Festival 2024 in the Bergenthalpark Soest will take place on 2nd October beginning at 5.45 pm. Inspired by the famous music of Camille Saint-Saëns, Carnival of the Animals is the theme for this year’s Festival of Light. Animals are represented in the piece through music and sounds. The Festival of Light is about visualising animals through light and staging them dramatically. As the word carnival suggests, anything the imagination can come up with is allowed within the bounds of what is feasible and within a reasonable budget. The location is the Bergenthalpark, which is transformed into a garden paradise with strange plants and peculiar creatures. A setting with exciting scenes, colourful figures and strange objects is brought to life by light. It is an intercultural family festival organised by daycare centres, schools and artists. There is a stage programme with lots of music and dance. A children’s disco is organised on the boules court, inflatable pool animals and bouncy balls with animal motifs offer an interactive arena for children.
I am the artistic director of this event, designing the park with light, providing many ideas and installations on the theme and supervising other participants in the design and solutions for their contributions.
The event organisers are the Soester Lichtfest e.V. and the Kunstverein Kreis Soest e.V. with a lot of support from various companies and hard-working helpers.
The main sponsors are the Sparkasse Hellweg-Lippe and the town of Soest.
Impressions from Lichtfest 2022