The Art of the Corona Time A multimedia project “Haven’t we all heard it said by now that we still

The Art of the Corona Time A multimedia project “Haven’t we all heard it said by now that we still
Jahresverkaufsausstellung 2024 Kunstverein Beckum Warendorf, Museum Abtei Liesborn, Abteiring, 59329 Wadersloh-Liesborn . 15.12.2024 bis 09.02.2025
The sculpture ‘ Begegnung 2024’ depicts a pair of figures of a similar genre, with different gender characteristics indicating male
“Aufbruch Soest – Stadt der Kunst nach 1945″, 19 May to 25 August, Museum Wilhelm Morgner. I am represented with
New Work: Outdoor sculptures, the “Flowers” series, based on the generic form of a flower, are constructed from various recycled
Galerie Kley Hamm, „WINTERLICH(T) – Vom äußeren und inneren Leuchten. Künstler der Galerie, Eröffnung 27.November 2022, 11.00 – 16.00 Uhr